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lime rendering

Why Choose Lime Rendering?

Lime rendering has been a preferred choice for centuries, especially in the construction and restoration of historic and listed Grade 1 and Grade 2 buildings. In terms of environmental sustainability, lime rendering is an eco-friendly choice, as lime is a natural, renewable material that has minimal environmental impact. It is free from harmful chemicals and additives, making it a sustainable option for both historic preservation and modern construction projects. 

Historical Authenticity:

Lime rendering has been used for centuries in the construction of historic buildings, making it the ideal choice for preserving the authenticity and character of heritage properties.


Lime rendering allows moisture to evaporate from the walls, preventing dampness and mold growth, and promoting a healthier indoor environment.


Lime render is more flexible than cement render, making it less prone to cracking and structural damage, especially in buildings with movement or settling.

Aesthetic Appeal

Lime render offers a soft, textured finish that complements the natural beauty of stone and brick, creating a timeless and elegant facade that enhances the overall aesthetic of your property.


In summary, people choose lime rendering for its historical authenticity, breathability, flexibility, durability, aesthetic appeal, environmental sustainability, and versatility. Whether restoring a centuries-old castle or constructing a new eco-friendly home, lime rendering offers a timeless solution that combines tradition with innovation for lasting beauty and protection.

Lime rendering is a traditional technique used to protect and beautify building exteriors. Unlike cement rendering, which can trap moisture and lead to structural damage, lime rendering offers a breathable, flexible, and durable solution that allows buildings to "breathe," preventing moisture buildup and maintaining a healthy internal environment.

At Lime Plastering Wales, our lime rendering services are more than just a surface treatment; they're a testament to our dedication to preserving architectural heritage and enhancing the timeless beauty of historic and listed Grade 1 and Grade 2 buildings. With a meticulous attention to detail and a deep respect for tradition, we blend centuries-old craftsmanship with modern techniques to deliver superior results that stand the test of time.

What is Lime Rendering?

Using a mix of traditional and modern materials and methods, we have been restoring, conserving and repairing period and historic properties, across Wales and South West England for over 20 years.

Our lime rendering process

We begin by carefully assessing the condition of your building and preparing the surface for rendering, ensuring proper adhesion and longevity of the lime render.


To ensure the longevity of your lime render, we provide expert advice on maintenance and offer periodic inspections and touch-up services as needed.


Once the render has dried, we apply a lime wash or pigment to enhance the color and protect the surface, adding depth and character to your building's exterior.

Finishing Touches

Our skilled craftsmen apply multiple coats of lime render, building up layers to achieve the desired thickness and texture while ensuring a smooth and uniform finish.


    • Yes, lime rendering is suitable for both historic and modern buildings. Its breathability, flexibility, and aesthetic appeal make it a popular choice for a wide range of construction projects.

    • The lifespan of lime rendering can vary depending on factors such as climate, exposure to the elements, and maintenance. With proper care and periodic inspections, lime render can last for several decades or even longer.

    • Yes, lime rendering can be painted with breathable mineral paints or lime washes. These allow moisture to evaporate from the walls while providing a decorative finish. It's essential to use compatible paint products to maintain the integrity of the lime render.

    • Lime rendering typically requires less maintenance than cement rendering. However, it's essential to inspect the render periodically for any signs of damage, such as cracks or erosion, and address them promptly to prevent further deterioration.

    • Yes, lime rendering is considered environmentally friendly due to its natural composition and minimal environmental impact. Lime is a renewable material that can be sourced locally, and lime render is free from harmful chemicals and additives commonly found in synthetic building materials.



As accredited tradesmen, we take pride in the quality of our limework and plastering services.

Call the experts on 01873 877 556 | Free quotes on request

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